Our Pedagogical Methods

Our Pedagogical Methods

Face to Face (Instructor-led training):
a course or training to which participants attend physically.
Virtual Classroom:
is a course in which trainees are not physically present yet virtually present. The training « place » is not physical, it is conducted via electronic media.
is an internet-based teaching system

Blended Learning:
is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace.

Field visit, learning expedition (learnex):
Field visits or learning expeditions refers to going on the field to understand how things are achieved or to get return on experience.

It refers to training given in an individual way.

is an intensive course of education for a small group, emphasizing interaction and practical problem solving. 

is an association of persons for some common object usually jointly supported and meeting periodically.
Experience Sharing:
It refers to a collection of events or activities from which a person, a group or a firm, gathered knowledge, know-how, opinions, and skills. A Course referring to experience goes beyond the theory, and enables to emphasize the difficulties encountered and the way to go over them.

 Case Studies:
refer to analysis performed in detail on a single firm, group, incident, action, etc. as opposed to, for instance, a general knowledge. Case studies enable to zoom on specific know-how and return of experience from specific actors to specific issues. It enables to develop expertise.

can be either electronic or physical. It can be paper, booklets, power-point presentations, word documents, or any other training support.


Pedagogical Methods We Will Be Adapting in the Near Future

A massive open online course (MOOC)

small private online course

Corporate online open courses


Collaborative forum:
forum is a workshop that gathers larger audiences that use collective intelligence methodologies to reflect on a specific subject, problem, and opportunity.
is a formal meeting in which many people gather in order to talk about ideas or problems related to a particular topic.
The trainer is not physically here. There is a video record of his presentation and the trainee looks at the video. It enables massive training at little cost, yet the interaction with the trainer (the ability to ask questions) is often lost.